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山室真澄・佐藤登志子・羅 文焜・土橋敬明(2024)鳥取県千代川の上流・下流でのネオニコチノイド系殺虫剤濃度,陸水学雑誌,85(3),141-145
杉野史弥・小室 隆・山室真澄(2023)霞ケ浦における夏季の湖岸水温,水環境学会誌,46(6),157-162
Zanne Sandriati Putri, Toshiko Sato, and Masumi Yamamuro (2023) Neonicotinoid occurrence and its potential toxicity level in tropical environmental waters of Indonesia, Limnology, 24, 205-215, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10201-023-00718-5
小室 隆,杉野史弥,山室真澄(2022)夏季の霞ケ浦おける湖岸と湖の水温,陸水学雑誌,83(3),197-205
Zanne Sandriati Putri, Aslan Armaiki Yusmur, Masumi Yamamuro (2022) Neonicotinoid contamination in tropical estuarine waters of Indonesia,Heliyon, Volume 8(8), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e10330
今村英二,山室真澄(2022)炭素・窒素安定同位体よるアメリカザリガニの餌資源と捕食者にする検討,陸水学雑誌,83(2), 103-114(2023年度 陸水学雑誌論文賞受賞)
宮澤雅光,山室真澄(2022)浮葉および抽水植生が流動と溶存酸素濃度に与える影響~ハス群落を例に,陸水学雑誌,83(1), 1-13
Valerii V. Malnik, Masumi Yamamuro, Irina V. Tomberg, Elena V. Molozhnikova, Yuri S. Bukin, Oleg A. Timoshkin (2022) Lacustrine, wastewater, interstitial and fluvial water quality in the Southern Lake Baikal region. Journalof Water & Health, Volume 20(1), 23-40, https://doi.org/10.2166/wh.2021.064
Marianne V.Moore, Masumi Yamamuro, Oleg A.Timoshkin, Alena A.Shirokaya, Yutaka Kameda (2021) Lake-wide assessment of microplastics in the surface waters of Lake Baikal, Siberia, Limnology, 23:265-274, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10201-021-00677-9, https://rdcu.be/cyYL4
Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, Marianne V. Moore, Simon D. Stewart, Sudeep Chandra, Karen S. Atkins, Jill S. Baron, Keith Bouma-Gregson, Soren Brothers, Steven N. Francoeur, Laurel Genzoli, Scott N. Higgins, Sabine Hilt, Leon R. Katona, David Kelly, Isabella A. Oleksy, Ted Ozersky, Mary E. Power, Derek Roberts, Adrianne P. Smits, Oleg Timoshkin, Flavia Tromboni, M. Jakevander Zanden, Ekaterina A. Volkova, Sean Waters, Susanna A. Wood, and Masumi Yamamuro(2021)Blue Waters, Green Bottoms:Benthic Filamentous Algal Blooms Are an Emerging Threat to ClearLakes Worldwide, Bio Science, Vol.71(10):1011-1027, https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biab049
江角敏明,神谷 宏,加藤季晋,中島結衣,大城 等,管原庄吾,田林 雄,山室真澄(2020)森山堤防開削が夏季の中海本庄水域の水質に与えた影響,陸水学雑誌,81(3),223-231
Marianne V. Moore, Masumi Yamamuro (2019)Celebrating limnology in Siberia: commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Limnological Institute in Irkutsk, Russia, Limnology, 21(1):1-2, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10201-019-00602-1
Masumi Yamamuro, Takashi Komuro, Hiroshi Kamiya, Toshikuni Kato, Hitomi Hasegawa, Yutaka Kameda(2019) Neonicotinoids disrupt aquatic food webs and decrease fishery yields, Science 366(6465), 620–623  ダウンロードはこちら
Yukiko Tanabe, Makoto Hori, Akiko N. Mizuno, Takashi Osono, Masaki Uchida, Sakae Kudoh & Masumi Yamamuro (2019) Light quality determines primary production in nutrient-poor small lakes, Scientific Reports,9, Article number:4639
土井慎一・石原正彦・江角敏明・神谷 宏・山室真澄(2018) 宍道湖水におけるネオニコチノイド濃度の予備的報告, 陸水学雑誌, 79, 179-183
小室 隆・田林 雄・神谷 宏・嵯峨友樹・加藤季晋・山室真澄(2018) 宍道湖における過去30年間の表層堆積物中有機炭素濃度の増減, 陸水学雑誌, 79, 161-168
Alice Newton, Ana C. Brito, John D. Icely, Valérie Derolez, Inês Clara Stewart Angus, Gerald Schernewski, MiguelInácio, Ana I. LillebøiAna I. Sousa, Béchir Béjaoui, Cosimo Solidoro, Marko Tosic, Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles, Masumi Yamamuro, Sofia Reizopoulou, Hsiao-Chun Tseng, Donata Canu, Leonilde Roselli, Mohamed Maanan, Sónia Cristina, Ana Carolina Ruiz-Fernández, Ricardo F. de Limav Björn Kjerfve, Nadia Rubio-Cisneros, Angel Pérez-Ruzafay Concepción Marcos, Roberto Pastres, Fabio Pranovi, Maria Snoussi, Jane Turpie, Yurii Tuchkovenko, Brenda Dyack, Justin Brookes , Ramunas Povilanskas, Valeriy Khokhlov (2018) Assessing, quantifying and valuing the ecosystem services of coastal lagoons, Journal for Nature Conservation, 44, 50-65
O.A. Timoshkin, M.V. Moore, N.N. Kulikova, I.V. Tomberg, V.V. Malnik, M.N. Shimaraev,E.S. Troitskaya, A.A. Shirokaya, V.N. Sinyukovich, E.P. Zaitseva, V.M. Domysheva, M. Yamamuro, A.E. Poberezhnaya, E.M. Timoshkina (2018) Groundwater contamination by sewage causes benthic algal outbreaks inthe littoral zone of Lake Baikal (East Siberia), Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44(2), 230-244
神谷 宏・江角敏明・加藤季晋・勢村 均・管原庄吾・田林 雄・山室真澄(2018) 宍道湖における二枚貝漁獲量の減少が湖沼水CODに与える影響, 応用生態工学, Vol.20(2), 167-177
Hiroki Suganuma, Akira Asada, Yohei Uehara, Katsunori Mizuno,Masumi Yamamuro, Kazutoshi Okamoto (2017) Detection of shellfish in the sediment by 1-MHz ultrasound: Focusing on weak scatter and incident angle. Techno-Ocean 2016: Return to the Oceans, DOI: 10.1109/Techno-Ocean.2016.7890758
Alena A. Shirokaya, Tatiana Ya. Sitnikova, Pavel V. Kijashiko, Ihor V, Shydlovskyy, Larisa A. Prozorova and Masumi Yamamuro (2017) A review of the Lake Baikal limpets, family Acroloxidae Thiele,1931 (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Hygrophila), based on type specimens, with keys to the genera. Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 146(1), 9-64
藤井伸二,山室真澄,神谷宏,江角敏明(2017)セキショウモ実生を用いた水質への反応実験における測定形質の探索,水草研究会誌 No.105,24-28
Yukiko Tanabe, Saori Yasui, Takashi Osono, Masaki Uchida, Sakae Kudoh, Masumi Yamamuro(2017)Abundant deposits of nutrients inside lakebeds of Antarctic oligotrophic lakes, Polar Biology, 40(3), pp603-613, DOI 10.1007/s00300-016-1983-1
管原庄吾・鈴木 舞・山室真澄・勢村均・神谷 宏・千賀有希子・野田賢剛・江川美千子・清家泰(2017)ヤマトシジミの殻長別硫化水素耐性,水産増殖,65(1),83-87
Keerthi Sri Senarathna Atapaththu, Takashi Asaeda, Masumi Yamamuro, Hiroshi Kamiya (2017) Effects of water turbulence on plant, sediment and water quality in reed (Phragmites australis) community, Ekológia (Bratislava), 36(1), 1-9, DOI:10.1515/eko-2017-0001
Maiko Nishi, Mark Pelling, Masumi Yamamuro, William Solecki, Steven Kraines (2017) Risk Management Regime and Its Scope for Transition in Tokyo, Journal of Extreme Events, Vol.3(3), 1-29, DOI: 10.1142/S2345737616500111
Katsunori Mizuno, Akira Asada, Yoshinori Matsumoto, Kenichi Sugimoto, Tomonori Fujii, Masumi Yamamuro, Miguel D. Fortes, Monica Sarceda, Lea A. Jimenez (2017) A simple and efficient method for making a high-resolution seagrass map and quantification of dugong feeding trail distribution: A field test at Mayo Bay, Philippines, Ecological Informatics, Volume 38, 89-94, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2017.02.003
Yu Tabayashi, Kentaro Miki, Toshiyuki Godo, Masumi Yamamuro, Hiroshi Kamiya (2017) Multi-tracer identification of nutrient origin in the Hii River watershed, Japan, Landscape Ecol Eng, 13, 119-129, DOI 10.1007/s11355-016-0307-5
Takashi Komuro, Hiroshi Kamiya, Masumi Yamamuro, Yasushi Seike (2017) The Effect of Charophyte Communities on Phosphorus Flow in Lake Shinji, Japan, Aquatic Science and Technology, 5(1), 13-32, DOI: 10.5296/ast.v5i1.10557
Shinji Fujii, Masao Omura, Shogo Sugahara, Hiroshi Kamiya, Masumi Yamamuro (2017) Effect of Herbicides in Paddy Runoff on Seed Germination of Vallisneria asiatica and Ammannia multiflora, Aquatic Science and Technology, 5(1), 1-12, DOI: 10.5296/ast.v5i1.10556
Yu Tabayashi, Kentaro Miki, Toshiyuki Godo, Masumi Yamamuro, Hiroshi Kamiya (2016) Multi-tracer identification of nutrient origin in the Hii River watershed, Japan, Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 13, 119-129, DOI 10.1007/s11355-016-0307-5
石飛 裕・向井哲也・南里敬弘・若林英人・勢村 均・森脇晋平・山室真澄・神谷 宏(2016)宍道湖におけるヤマトシジミの幼生加入と成長速度に及ぼす塩分の影響, 水産増殖, 64(3), 309-320
Shogo Sugahara, Mai Suzuki, Hiroshi Kamiya, Masumi Yamamuro, Hitoshi Semura, Yukiko Senga, Michiko Egawa, and Yasushi Seike (2016) Colorimetric Determination of Sulfide in Microsamples., Analytical Sciences, 32(10), 1129-1131
管原庄吾・神谷 宏・山室真澄・鈴木 舞・勢村 均・千賀有希子・江川美千子・清家 泰 (2016) ガラスシリンジを用いたヤマトシジミの硫化水素耐性試. 水産増殖 64 (2), 205-208
O.A. Timoshkin, D.P. Samsonov, M. Yamamuro, M.V. Moore, O.I. Belykh, V.V. Malnik, M.V. Sakirko, A.A. Shirokaya, N.A. Bondarenko, V.M. Domysheva, G.A. Fedorova, A.I. Kochetkov, A.V. Kuzmin, A.G. Lukhnev, O.V. Medvezhonkova, A.V. Nepokrytykh, E.M. Pasynkova, A.E. Poberezhnaya, N.V. Potapskaya, N.A. Rozhkova, N.G. Sheveleva, I.V. Tikhonova, E.M. Timoshkina, I.V. Tomberg, E.A. Volkova, E.P. Zaitseva, Yu.M. Zvereva, A.B. Kupchinsky, N.A. Bukshuk(2016)Rapid ecological change in the coastal zone of Lake Baikal (East Siberia): Is the site of the world's greatest freshwater biodiversity in danger? Journal of Great Lakes Research, 42(3):487-497, doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2016.02.011
Ali P. Yunus, Ram Avtar, Steven Kraines, Masumi Yamamuro, Fredrik Lindberg and C. S. B. Grimmond (2016) Uncertainties in tidally adjusted estimates of sea level rise flooding (Bathtub Model) for the Greater London, Remote Sensing, 8, 366, DOI:10.3390/rs8050366
田林雄・堀内政誌・神谷宏・山室真澄(2016)炭素・窒素・リンの存在比を指標とした森林における硝酸流出, 陸水研究, 3(1), 75-80
Takashi Komuro, Hidetoshi Sakayamai, Hiroshi Kamiya and Masumi Yamamuro (2016) Reconstruction of the charophyte community of Lake Shinji by oospore collection, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 417, 12,DOI: 10.1051/kmae/2015045
加茂川 優紀・山室 真澄 (2016) 霞ヶ浦アサザ植栽地において消波施設が底質に与えた影響, 陸水学雑誌, 77, 39-45
山室 真澄(2015)水資源環境の持続的利用と生態系の保全,高木学校通信,第102号,2-6
柳 哲雄・斎藤 文紀・山室 真澄・小池 勲夫(2015)人間活動は沿岸域にどのようなインパクトを与えたか; 国際共同研究による解析と評価,地球環境,20(2), 181-187
Yu Tabayashi, Hiroshi Kamiya, Toshiyuki Godo, Hitoshi Ohshiro, Masumi Yamamuro (2015) Atmospheric phosphorus and nitrogen originating in China: Forest deposition andi nfiltration of stream water in Japan, Water, Air & Soil Pollution, DOI: 10.1007/s11270-015-2650-9
Ram Avtar, Ali P. Yunus, Steven Kraines, Masumi Yamamuro (2015) Evaluation of DEM generation based on Interferometric SAR using TanDEM-X data in Tokyo, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2015.07.007
神谷 宏・大城 等・中島結衣・佐藤紗知子・野尻由香里・江角敏明・岸 真司・藤原敦夫・神門利之・管原庄吾・山室真澄 (2015) 宍道湖における溶存有機炭素濃度と水温との関係,陸水学雑誌,75, 225-229
藤井 伸二・上杉 龍士・山室 真澄(2015)アサザの生育環境・花型・逸出状況と遺伝的多様性に関する追試, 保全生態学研究, 20, 71-85
神谷 宏・大城 等・嵯峨友樹・佐藤紗知子・野尻由香里・岸 真司・藤原敦夫・神門利之・管原庄吾・井上徹教・山室真澄(2015)浅い湖沼における滞留時間と栄養塩濃度が湖内でのCOD生産に与える影響,応用生態工学,17(2), 79-88
Miyazako, T., Kamiya, H., Godo, T., Koyama, Y., Nakashima, Y., Sato, S., Kishi, M., Fujihara, A., Tabayashi, Y., Yamamuro, M. (2015) Long-term trends in nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the Hii River as influenced by atmospheric deposition from East Asia, Limnology and Oceanography, doi: 10.1002/lno.10051
上原達弥・山室真澄(2015)アサザとヨシから溶出する有機炭素量とその分画,陸水学雑誌,76, 1-10
Akira Okamoto, Masumi Yamamuro and Norihisa Tatarazako (2014) Acute toxicity of 50 metals to Daphnia magna, Journal of Applied Toxicology, 35(7), 824-830, DOI: 10.1002/jat.3078
Muga Yaguchi, Yoichi Muramatsu, Hideyuki Nagashima, Fumiaki Okumura, Masumi Yamamuro (2014) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Mineral Spring and Natural Spring Waters in the Setogawa Group of the Western Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, Journal of Hot Spring Science, 64, 42-52
Daniel Edison M. Husana, Masumi Yamamuro and Peter K. L. NG (2014) Two new species of freshwater crabs of the genus Sundathel phusa Bott, 1969 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae) from caves in Luzon, Philippines, Zootaxa, 3815(4), 565-574
山室真澄(2014)日本の汽水湖沼での異常繁殖が懸念される淡水産沈水植物・浮葉植物の繁茂が確認された塩分範囲,陸水学雑誌,75, 113-118
山室真澄・神谷 宏・石飛 裕(2014)宍道湖における沈水植物大量発生前後の水質,陸水学雑誌,75, 99-105
Muga Yaguchi, Yoichi Muramatsu, Hitoshi Chiba, Fumiaki Okumura, Takeshi Ohba and Masumi Yamamuro (2014) Hydrochemistry and isotopic characteristics of non-volcanic hot springs around the Miocene Kofu granitic complex surrounding the Kofu Basin in the South Fossa Magna region, central Honshu, Japan, Geochemical Journal, 48(4), 345-356
Masumi Yamamuro, Hiroshi Kamiya (2014) Elemental (C, N, P) and isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) signature of primary producers and their contribution to the organic matter in coastal lagoon sediment. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 10(1), 65-75
Ryoko Abe, Haruna Watanabe, Masumi Yamamuro, Taisen Iguchi and Norihisa Tatarazako (2013) Establishment of a short-term, in vivo screening method for detecting chemicals with juvenile hormone activity using adult Daphnia magna. Journal of Applied Toxicology, DOI 10.1002/jat.2989
田林雄・山室真澄(2013)霞ヶ浦流入河川堆積物における粒径と放射性セシウム濃度の関係,陸水学雑誌,74 (3), 183-189
Ataru Nakamura, Hitomi Takanobu, Ikumi Tamura, Masumi Yamamuro, Taisen Iguchi, Norihisa Tatarazako (2013) Verification of responses of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) to anti-androgens, vinclozolin and flutamide, in short-term assays. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 34 (5), 545-553, 10.1002/jat2934
小室隆・山室真澄(2013)1940年代に撮影された米軍空中写真を用いた宍道湖における水草群落分布範囲の推定,応用生態工学, 16 (1), 51-59
Ayanori Yamaki, Masumi Yamamuro (2013) Floating-leaved and emergent vegetation as habitat for fishes in a eutrophic temperate lake without submerged vegetation, Limnology, 14 (3), 257-268, 10.1007/s10201-013-0403-2
Daniel Edison Husana, Masumi Yamamuro (2013) Groundwater quality in karst regions in the Philippines, Limnology, 14 (3), 293-299
平塚智子・山室真澄(2013)国内におけるハス群落管理対策の事例,水草研究会誌 No.99,38-43
Chika Kawahata, Masumi Yamamuro and Yoshihiro Shiraiwa (2013) Changes in alkaline band formation and calcification of corticated charophyte Chara globularis, SpringerPlus 2013, 2:85, DOI: 10.1186/2193-1801-2-85
Abukawa, K., Yamamuro, M., Kikvidze, Z., Asada, A., Xu, C. and Sugimoto, K. (2013) Assessing the biomass and distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation using multibeam echo souding in Lake Towada, Japan, Limnology, 14 (1), 39-42
Xu, C.,Mizuno, K.,Asada, A.,Abukawa, K. and Yamamuro, M.(2012)3D-view Generation and species classification of aquatic plants using acoustic images., The Journal of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan, 40 (1), 14-26
山室真澄・神谷宏・石飛裕(2012)沿岸域における人為的改変と自然再生-中海本庄工区の堤防開削を例として,応用生態工学会誌, 15(2), 221-231
Yamamuro, M. (2012) Herbicide-induced macrophyte-to-phytoplankton shifts in Japanese lagoons during the last 50 years: consequences for ecosystem services and fisheries, Hydrobiologia, 699, 5-19, DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1150-9
山室真澄・八巻礼訓(2012)手賀沼のマコモ帯とヒメガマ帯で採集された魚類とその安定同位体比,応用生態工学会誌, 15 (1), 115-120
小室隆・山室真澄 (2012) 水生植物の種子・卵胞子を含んだ湖底堆積物を船上で篩い分ける装置の開発,水草研究会誌, 97,29-33
Krivonogov, S.K., Takahara, H., Yamamuro, M., Preis, Y.I., Khazina, I.V., Khazin, L.B., Kuzmin, Y.V., Safonova, I.Y. and Ignatova, N.V. (2012) Regional to local environmental changes in southern Western Siberia: Evidence from biotic records of mid to late Holocene sediments of Lake Beloye, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 331–332, 177-193
Krivonogov, S.K., Yamamuro, M., Takahara, H., Kazansky, A.Y., Klimin, M.A., Bobrov, V.A., Safonova, I.Y., Phedorin, M.A. and Bortnikova, S.B. (2012) An abrupt ecosystem change in Lake Beloye, southern Western Siberia: Palaeoclimate versus local environment, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 331–332, 194-206
Swaney, D.P., Humborg, C., Emeis, K., Kannen, A., Silvert, W., Tett, P., Pastres, R., Solidoro, C., Yamamuro, M., Hénocque, Y. and Nicholls, R. (2012) Five critical questions of scale for the coastal zone, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 96, 9-21
虻川和紀・山室真澄・ザール・キクビッツェ (2011) 湯の湖におけるサイドスキャンソナーを用いた沈水植物帯分布調査, 水草研究会誌, 96, 16-23
Kamiya, H., Ohshiro, H., Tabayashi, Y., Kano, Y., Mishima, K., Godo, T., Yamamuro, M., Mitamura, O. and Ishitobi, Y. (2011) Phosphorus release and sedimentation in three contiguous shallow brackish lakes, as estimated from changes in phosphorus stock and loading from catchment. Landscape Ecology and Management, 7, 53-64
山室真澄:神谷宏 石飛裕 (2011) 汽水湖沼である宍道湖における成層に伴う貧酸素化とCOD(Mn)との関係 水環境学会誌, 34 (4), 57-64
Matsumoto, G.I., Tani, Y., Seto, K., Tazawa, T., Yamamuro, M., Watanabe, T., Nakamura, T., Takemura, T., Imura, S. and Kanda, H. (2010) Holocene paleolimnological changes in Lake Skallen Oike in the Syowa Station area of Antarctica inferred from organic components in a sediment core (Sk4C-02). Journal of Paleolimnology, 44 (2), 677-693
Yamamuro, M., Hiratsuka, J., and Ishitobi, Y.(2010)What prevents Musculista senhousia from constructing byssal thread mats in estuarine environments? A case study focusing on Lake Shinji and nearby estuarine waters. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 6 (1), 23-28, DOI 10.1007/s11355-009-0074-7
Umezawa, Y., Komatsu, T., Yamamuro, M. and Koike, I. (2009) Physical and topographic factors affecting suspended particulate matter composition in a shallow tropical estuary. Marine Environmental Research, 68 (2), 59-70
Tabayashi, Y. and Yamamuro, M. (2009) Changes in the impact of anthropogenic effects on river water quality during the last 50 years in Japan. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 17 (4), 409-415
Yoshioka, K., Kamiya, H., Kano, Y., Saki, Y,, Yamamuro, M. and Ishitobi, Y. (2009) The relationship between seasonal variations of total-nitrogen and total-phosphorus in rainfall and air mass advection paths in Matsue, Japan. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 3496–3501
田林雄・山室真澄 (2008) 都市化地域における土地利用と河川水質の関係-下総台地の坂川流域における事例-.水工学論文集, 52, 1129-1134
Bahar, M.M. and Yamamuro, M. (2008) Assessing the influence of watershed land use patterns on the major ion chemistry of river waters in the Shimousa Upland, Japan. Chemistry and Ecology, 24 (5), 341–355
Bahar, M.M., Ohmori, H. and Yamamuro, M. (2008) Relationship between river water quality and land use in a small river basin running through the urbanizing area of Central Japan. Limnology, 9 (1), 19-26
Yamamoto, M., Yamamuro, M. and Tanaka, Y. (2007) The California current system during the last 136,000 years response of the North Pacific High to precessional forcing. Quaternary Science Reviews 26, 405-414
平塚純一・山室真澄・森脇晋平・石飛裕 (2006) 大正末期から昭和初期に行われた大橋川拡幅以前の宍道湖の塩分.水環境学会誌,29(9), 541-546
Yamamuro, M., Hiratsuka, J., Ishitobi, Y., Hosokawa, S. and Nakamura, Y. (2006) Ecosystem shift resulting from loss of eelgrass and other submerged aquatic vegetation in two estuarine lagoons, Lake Nakaumi and Lake Shinji, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 62 (4), 551-558
植田真司・築地由貴・近藤邦男・山室真澄 (2005) 青森県汽水湖尾駮沼におけるベントスの種構成およびその歴史的変遷.陸水学雑誌,66 (3), 197-206
Kimura. H., Zhiwen, J., Cizdziel, J., Yamamuro. M., Hattori. K and Azmy, K. (2005) Integrated stratigraphy of the upper Neoproterozoic succession in Yunnan Province of South China: Re-evaluation of global correlation and carbon cycle. Precambrian Research, 138, 1-36
Kayanne, H., Hirota, M., Yamamuro, M. and Koike, I. (2005) Nitrogen fixation of filamentous cyanobacteria in a coral reef measured using three different methods. Coral Reefs, 24 (2), 197-200
Yamamuro, M. and Kanai, Y. (2005) A 200-year record of natural and anthropogenic changes in water quality from coastal lagoon sediments of Lake Shinji, Japan. Chemical Geology, 218 (1-2), 51-61
石飛 裕・平塚純一・桑原弘道・山室真澄・中村由行・森脇晋平 (2005) 宍道湖におけるコノシロの成長・成熟と大量斃死.水産海洋研究,69,37-44
Yamamuro, M. and Chirapart, A. (2005) Quality of the seagrass Halophilla ovalis on a Thai intertidal flat as food for the dugong. Journal of Oceanography, 61 (1), 183-186
Yamamuro, M., Aketa, K., and Uchida, S. (2004) Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of the tissues and gut contents of a dugong from the temperate coast of Japan. Mammal Study, 29 (2), 179-183
Yamamuro. M., Umezawa, Y. and Koike, I. (2004) Internal variations in nutrient concentrations and the C and N stable isotope ratios in leaves of the seagrass Enhalus acoroides. Aquatic Botany, 79, 95-102
Naito, W., Jin. J., Kang. Y-S., Yamamuro. M., Masunaga. S. and Nakanishi. J. (2003) Dynamics of PCDDs/DFs and coplanar-PCBs in aquatic food chain in Tokyo Bay. Chemosphere, 53, 347-362
Yamamuro, M., Kayanne, H. and Yamano, H. (2003) δ15N of seagrass leaves for monitoring anthropogenic nutrient increases in coral reef ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46 (4), 452-458
Kumar, K.S., Yamamuro, M., Pitaksintorn, S., Takasuga, T., and Masunaga, S. (2003) Dioxins/furans and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in dugongs from the Thailand coast. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 70, 198-204
金井 豊・山室 真澄・井内美郎・徳岡隆夫(2002)島根・鳥取県中海における堆積速度と堆積環境.地球化学, 36, 161-178
Umezawa, Y., Miyajima, T., Yamamuro, M., Kayanne, H. and Koike, I. (2002) Fine scale mapping of land-derived nitrogen in coral reefs by δ15N in macroalgae. Limnology and Oceanography, 47 (5), 1405-1416
Kang, Y-S., Yamamuro, M., Masunaga, S. and Nakanishi, J. (2002) Specific biomagnification of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in tufted ducks (Aythya fuligula), common cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) and their prey from Lake Shinji, Japan. Chemosphere 46, 1373-1382
Yamamoto, M., Kayanne, H. and Yamamuro, M. (2001) Characteristics of organic matter in lagoonal sediments from the Great Barrier Reef. Geochemical Journal, 35 (6), 385-401
Yamamuro, M., Umezawa, Y. and Koike, I. (2001) Seasonality in nutrient concentrations and stable isotope ratios of Halophila ovalis growing on the intertidal flat of SW Thailand. Limnology, 2, 199-206
Masunaga, S., Yao, Y., Ogura, I., Nakai, S., Kanai, Y., Yamamuro, M., and Nakanishi, J. (2001) Identifying sources and mass balance of dioxin pollution in Lake Shinji basin, Japan. Environmental Science & Technology, 35 (10), 1967-1973
神谷 宏・石飛 裕・井上徹教・中村由行・山室真澄 (2001) 富栄養化した汽水湖沼における高水温・貧酸素時の堆積物からの溶存有機態リン(DOP)とリン酸の溶出.陸水学雑誌,62 (1),11-21
山室真澄 (2000) 食物連鎖を利用した水質浄化機能の定量化.水環境学会誌,23 (11),710-715
Yamamuro, M., Hiratsuka, J. and Ishitobi, Y. (2000) Seasonal change in a filter-feeding bivalve Musculista senhousia population of a eutrophic estuarine lagoon. Journal of Marine Systems, 26 (2), 117-126
Sekiya, Y., Hiratsuka, J., Yamamuro, M., Oka, N. and Abe, M. (2000) Diet selectivity and shift of wintering common pochards and tufted ducks in a eutrophic coastal lagoon. Journal of Marine Systems, 26 (2), 233-238
Uye, S., Shimazu, T., Yamamuro, M., Ishitobi, Y. and Kamiya, H. (2000) Geographical and seasonal variations in mesozooplankton abundance and biomass in relation to environmental parameters in Lake Shinji--Ohashi River--Lake Nakaumi brackish-water system, Japan. Journal of Marine Systems, 26 (2), 193-207
Inoue, T. and Yamamuro, M. (2000) Respiration and ingestion rates of the filter-feeding bivalve Musculista senhousia: implications for water-quality control. Journal of Marine Systems, (26) 2, 183-192
Ishitobi, Y., Hiratsuka, J., Kuwabara, H. and Yamamuro, M. (2000) Comparison of fish fauna in three areas of adjacent eutrophic estuarine lagoons with different salinities. Journal of Marine Systems, 26 (2), 171-181
Nakata, K., Horiguchi, F. and Yamamuro, M. (2000) Model study of Lakes Shinji and Nakaumi --- a coupled coastal lagoon system. Journal of Marine Systems, 26 (2), 145-169
Yamamuro, M. (2000) Abundance and size distribution of sublittoral meiobenthos along estuarine salinity gradients. Journal of Marine Systems, 26 (2), 135-143
Yamamuro, M. (2000) Chemical tracers of sediment organic matter origins in two coastal lagoons. Journal of Marine Systems, 26 (2), 127-134
石飛 祐・平塚純一・桑原弘道・山室真澄 (2000) 中海・宍道湖における魚類および甲殻類相の変動.陸水学雑誌,61,129-146
山室真澄・田中 至・山本正伸・有信哲哉 (2000) 潜水鴨類キンクロハジロによるフタル酸ジ-2-エチルヘキシル及びフタル酸ジ-n-ブチルの生物濃縮.水環境学会誌,23 (3),168-172
Iizumi, H. and Yamamuro, M. (2000) Nitrogen fixation activity by periphyticblue-green algae in a seagrass bed on the Great Barrier Reef. JARQ, 34 (1), 69-73
Oka, N., Yamamuro, M., Hiratsuka, J. and Satoh, H. (1999) Habitat selection by wintering tufted ducks with special reference to their digestive organ and to possible segregation between neighboring populations. Ecological Research, 14, 303-315
中村由行・井上徹教・足立義彦・石飛 裕・嘉藤健二・山室真澄 (1999) 汽水湖沼における底層水質の急変現象と溶出の非定常過程.海岸工学論文集,46, 1031-1035
Masunaga, S., Yao, Y., Ogura, I., Nakai, S., Kanai, Y., Yamamuro, M. and Nakanishi, J. (1999) Historical contribution of different sources to environmental dioxin pollution estimated from the Lake Shinji sediment core. Organohalogen Compounds, 43, 383-386
Yamamuro, M. (1999) Importance of epiphytic cyanobacteria as food sources for heterotrophs in a tropical seagrass bed. Coral Reefs, 18 (3), 263-271
作野祐司・松永恒雄・中山大介・六川修一・高安克己・國井秀伸・中村幹雄・山室真澄 (1999) SPOT/HVRデータによるアオコ発生時の宍道湖表層クロロフィルa濃度分布の推定.日本リモートセンシング学会,19 (2), 20-36 (リモートセンシング学会奨励賞受賞)
Yamamuro, M. and Koike, I. (1998) Concentrations of nitrogen in sandy sediments of a eutrophic estuarine lagoon. Hydrobiologia, 386, 37-44
Yamamuro, M., Oka, N. and Hiratsuka, J. (1998) Predation by diving ducks on biofouling mussel Musculista senhousia in a eutrophic estuarine lagoon. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 174, 101-106
中村由行, Kerciku, F., 二家本晃造, 井上徹教, 山室真澄, 石飛 裕,嘉藤健二 (1998) 二枚貝が優占する汽水湖沼の水質のモデル化.海岸工学論文集, 45, 1046-1050
金井豊・井内美郎・山室真澄・徳岡隆夫 (1998) 島根県宍道湖の底質における堆積速度と堆積環境.地球化学,32 (2), 71-85
Kawahata, H., Yamamuro, M. and Ohta, H. (1998) Seasonal and vertical variations of sinking particle fluxes in the West Caroline Basin. Oceanologica Acta, 21 (4), 521-532
山室真澄 (1997) 中海におけるオゴノリ漁による窒素・リン除去量の見積もり.陸水学雑誌,58 (3), 317-322
Yamamuro, M. and Kayanne, H. (1997) Dissolved organic nitrogen flux from coral colonies and calcareous sandy sediment. Galaxia, 13 (2), 197-205
Oka, N., Yagi, T. and Yamamuro, M. (1997) Nutritional autopsy of a short-tailed albatross (Diomedea albatrus) weakened by fishhook, washed ashore in central Honshu, Japan. Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, 29, 67-72
山本正伸・山室真澄・茅根 創 (1997) パラオ諸島サンゴ礁堆積物の元素・脂質組成.地調月報,48 (2), 79-92
中村由行・柳町武志・井上徹教・Kerciku, F・石飛 裕・神谷 宏・嘉藤健二・山室真澄 (1997) 汽水湖沼における強風下での混合現象の連続観測.水工学論文集,41,475-480
中村由行・Kerciku, F・井上徹教・柳町武志・石飛 裕・神谷 宏・嘉藤健二・山室真澄 (1997) 汽水湖沼沿岸部における水温・水質構造の日周変動-鉛直対流循環が二枚貝 生態系に及ぼす影響-.水工学論文集,41,469-474
中村由行・井上徹教・小松利光・柳町武志・Kerciku, F・山室真澄・神谷 宏・石飛裕・左山幹雄・前田広人 (1997) 栄養塩の溶出及びSODに関する室内実験手法の提案.水工学論文集, 41, 433-438
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中村由行・井上徹教・山室真澄・神谷 宏・石飛 裕 (1996) 未撹乱底泥コアを用いた連続培養系での酸素消費・溶出実験.海岸工学論文集,43,1091-1095
山室真澄・平塚純一・越川敏樹・桑原弘道・石飛 裕 (1996) 汽水性潟湖である宍道湖における魚類相の周年変化.陸水学雑誌,57 (3),273-281
Yamamuro, M. and Kayanne, H. (1995) Rapid direct determination of organic carbon and nitrogen in carbonate-bearing sediments using Yanaco MT-5 CHN analyzer. Limnology & Oceanography, 40 (5), 1001-1005
Yamamuro, M., Minagawa, M. and Kayanne, H. (1995) Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of primary producers in coral reef ecosystems. Limnology & Oceanography, 40 (3), 617-621
Yamamuro, M. and Koike, I. (1994) Diel change of nitrogen species in surface and overlying water of shallow eutrophic lake in summer. Limnology and Oceanography, 39 (7), 1726-1733
Yamamuro, M. and Koike, I. (1993) Nitrogen metabolism of the filter-feeding bivalve Corbicula japonica and its significance in primary production at a brackish lake in Japan. Limnology and Oceanography, 38 (5), 997-100
Koike, I., Yamamuro, M. and Pollard, P. (1993) Carbon and nitrogen budget of two ascidians and their symbiont, Prochloron, in a tropical seagrass meadow. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 44, 173-182
Yamamuro, M., Koike, I. and Iizumi, H. (1993) Partitioning of the nitrogen stock in the vicinity of a Fijian seagrass bed dominated by Syringodium isoetifolium (Aschers.) Dandy. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 44, 101-115
Yamamuro, M., Nakamura, M. and Nishimura, H. (1990) A method for detecting and identifying the lethal environmental factor on a dominant macrobenthos and its application to Lake Shinji, Japan. Marine Biology, 107 (3), 479-483
西畑正文・山室真澄・茅根 創 (1988) 三浦半島西岸および南岸における旧汀線の指標としてのヤッコカンザシとベンチ.第四紀研究,27 (1),31-38
Nakamura, M., Yamamuro, M., Ishikawa, M. and Nishimura, H. (1988) Role of the bivalve Corbicula japonica in the nitrogen cycle in a mesohaline lagoon. Marine Biology, 99 (3), 369-374
Yamamuro, M. (1988) Seasonal changes of the distributions of brackish polychaetes in Lake Shinji, Japan. The Japanese Journal of Limnology, 49 (4), 287-292
山室真澄 (1987) 鹿児島県上甑島の塩分が異なる2つの汽水湖における大型底生動物相.陸水学雑誌,48 (3),177-186.
茅根 創・山室真澄・松本英二 (1987) 房総半島南東岸における旧汀線の指標としてのヤッコカンザシ. 第四紀研究,26 (1),47-57
